2003-05-31 - And Roxie Hart sells me stamps
2003-05-31 - Groucho Marx is My Postman
2003-05-31 - and life is......(well this one's fictional)?
2003-05-31 - no one knew me
2003-05-30 - She's A Bohemian
2003-05-26 - It all comes from liking honey too much
2003-05-26 - A. Short. Angry. Outburst. Of. Sorts.
2003-05-25 - -
2003-05-24 - A Scary, Nearly-Normal Entry.....Run Away!!
2003-05-23 - this is when the world will end
2003-05-22 - Always and Forever
2003-05-22 - It's all good for me
2003-05-21 - ........raindrops keep falling on my head.......
2003-05-21 - Don't Read, Kinda Wrong
2003-05-21 - She's Got Bette Davis Eyes
2003-05-18 - chocolate fudge brownie
2003-05-18 - Bad, bad, bad, bad
2003-05-18 - cheap fucking romance
2003-05-17 - one night a long time ago
2003-05-17 - Bernard the Window-Man
2003-05-16 - ashtray girl, internet junkie
2003-05-15 - *Under Construction*
2003-05-15 - and life is...... Poetical, huh?
2003-05-15 - Thursday's Skivvy
2003-05-14 - A Decidedly Odd Case of Affairs
2003-05-13 - P.S. I also love stripey socks, gingerbread men and you, ma petite
2003-05-13 - It's Just me Wittering, again
2003-05-13 - That's Why I Love Music
2003-05-13 - I am an Equilateral Triangle
2003-05-12 - Something clich�d, like closure...
2003-05-11 - I Apologise In Advance For All The Profanities
2003-05-11 - And I know I'm dead on the surface, But I am screaming underneath
2003-05-11 - Welly welly well my fellow droogs...
2003-05-09 - doesn't walk, floats
2003-05-08 - About A Boy
2003-05-08 - You say you want a revolution, we-ll you kn-ow..............
2003-05-07 - Witterings to Misc.
2003-05-07 - it wasn't the cat's claws.....
2003-05-07 - To Ruby
2003-05-07 - So, when are you going to get a bf?
2003-05-06 - I may be dead, but I'm still pretty
2003-05-06 - turning to something beautiful
may 2003
june 2003
july 2003
august 2003
september 2003
october 2003
november 2003
december 2003
january 2004
february 2004
march 2004
april 2004
may 2004
june 2004
july 2004
august 2004
september 2004
october 2004
november 2004
december 2004
january 2005