2003-05-24 : A Scary, Nearly-Normal Entry.....Run Away!!
Sian is here and shouting for Sin�ad. She's a bit scared of me. I don't blame her, I would be too.

Today began as the perfect,achetypal First Day of Half Term.

I went horseriding at 9 - Yawn! far too early!- and then to Tracy's to see her kittens. They are so tiny and so sweet. Their names are Tiggy and Fifi, which, oh well. Then to Natalie's. I arrived at 10.30 on the dot, which I thought was pretty amazing given my previous record in time-keeping. We waited for Jen for a while and then went to the gym.

We spent an exhaustive and punishing WHOLE hour there, which is an enormous achievement for an Anti-Sport like me. And it was actually rather fun. Playing on all the weird machines, although I kept thinking of when Bridget gets off the cycle machine and falls over. That's me.

We walked back to Nat's where I saw her gorgeous textiley thing, which was inspired by me(!) I know! I'm so amazed, and hurrah! tis my first step towards being a muse, I'm sure.

I walked home, only stopping to pur-chase a box of Quality Street and Kerrang. When had been done I got home to find Glynis, Martyn and Sian already here. Sian is talking, and can say my name, although she often gets Sin�ad (Nadey) and myself mixed up.Aww she's so sweet. And then decided against going to Lakey when, at four-fifteen they were still here. I don't see them very often, and Glynis has been in kemo recently so.

Tonight I am going to see a play (I know) with Natalie, which should be fabbity, oh yes.

Hey this entry's been, like, 'normal'..!

What's happened to me?!?

Oh well, another surreal one to follow tonight, I'm sure.

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