2003-05-12 : Something clich�d, like closure...
Now you know, and now you know that I'm absolutely fucking mad.

Hey, maybe you always suspected it, but now you know it's true.

Anyway, now you've read this far, you won't ever read it again.

You're not like that. What doesn't affect you, doesn't bother you.

I don't think anything much bothers you, apart from yourself, obviously. Because you are, and always will be, first and foremost in your mind. I used to think that, maybe, I affected you, but you've made it clear enough that you don't want anything to do with me. That I mean absolutely nothing to you. I only feel stupid and pathetic and also slightly embarrassed at how much you meant to me. But I shouldn't. Really I suppose the fact that I am capable of such is something to be proud of. I think,perhaps, I gave you too much depth. I say 'gave you' , I mean interpreted. I interpreted that you had depths that, really, I don't think you have. You are selfish, you know that. You have so much power over people. I don't know why, you know you have and use it to full advantage. That's what I hate, that i can't ever be in control. Hey, I'm a control freak, perhaps, but I hate the fact that you're always in control and that you can so easily dismiss people. All of a sudden, they don't mean anything to you. Or do you just hide it really well? Do they still mean something to you? Really? Maybe not. I have a problem. I find it hard to believe that people can feel things less, or possibly more, than I do. I don't know what this is meant to be. I think it's something clich�d like 'closure', and Zut! You know how I hate things like that. But I think I need it.

So I don't mind. I don't mind, so I can say what I want.

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