2003-05-13 : P.S. I also love stripey socks, gingerbread men and you, ma petite
And skiing

Oh there's so many things I missed.

Oh well. I have a list just as long again, but it is lost in the filing cabinet of my head.

I care about what other people think too much. I'm stuck on being them.

Not as much as everyone else, though.

I've got a problem.

You're laughing, of course I have. No! I've pinpointed another one! I expect too much. Far, far too much. I am never satisfied with anyone, nothing's ever good enough. That is BAD. Yes, yes, yes bad kylie.And it always annoys me that no one gets me. I don't have anyone who wants me just to be me. Hey, I probably do, but they might not like me being me.

Argh!! I'll shut up about my self, I'm always fucking talking about myself

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