2003-05-21 : She's Got Bette Davis Eyes
Today I am the Venus De Milo, and thus, I don't have any arms. And considering which, it is rather amazing that I can type at all.

Today's been such a brilliant day, I don't deserve it. Which is stupid. I've been being hyperactive,hysterical and stupid all day, which is fun.

I got a stone chucked at my head; I was called a slag (hehe never been that before) and er.... which is odd considering that twas une brillo pads day.

Jennifer sold her drugs off to everyone thus making them hysterical. And we decided to go to our Leaver's Ball dressed as faeries. With lovely glittery wings.....

Zut! I did not tell you about the plans we have made..Oh, they are great.

Firstly; Tommy and I are going to expose our Uber-evil Headteacher as One of Europe's Major Drug Traffickers, thus closing down the school, putting an end to our misery, and giving us lots of compensation for the torture we have undergone.

Secondly; Nat and I are going to plant an atomic bomb in the Maths Tower(Fortress of Uber-Evil) and blow the school to pieces, create a wasteland, &c. But! The nifty(wow, what a fab word: nifty nifty nifty nifty..er)part is that our lovely bomb will not cost us a penny! Oh no! For it is possible(possibly) to create atomic bombs out of Blutack. Ha-ha what a good plan!

And er I don't remember the rest.

They were just as good though.

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