2003-05-26 : It all comes from liking honey too much
Tortures is a good word, maybe I could use it to describe what's going on, but hey, I think that could be classed as being ever-so-slightly-melodramatic.

Yes, okies, I may be over-reacting, but as far as I can tell (and if I greatly over-simplify things,) there are the types of people (oh and I forgot; stereotype as well) that are ever so pragmatic an- wait! I know what I'm doing. I'm just comparing it again.To another work of fiction. Again.

You have Elinors and then you have Mariannes.

I'm Marianne. I may even be slightly more hysterical than Marianne, no hysterical is the wrong word. To say passionate, laughable, to say er well, if I haven't lost you by now you should, by rights, know what I'm talking about, and so the need for me to explain it is negated.

Hey. maybe I should explain what happened.

(I like the word hey, hey?)

Anyways, you wouldn't believe me if I did tell you. You wouldn't understand either, no one does really. Not even us, those-who-were-part-of-it. In fact, that's pretty much why it all went wrong. Well that and because we were both pretty stupid too.

That's the amazing thing, that it still bothers me this much. I hate that it does, but I don't know why.

This must be boring for you.

Oh well, it is my diary.


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