2003-05-13 : That's Why I Love Music
I don't know what it means.

I talk about people all the time. I don't see why I shouldn't unless, unless they ask me too. Or unless I know I shouldn't. I won't give them all names. I just shout at them. Inside my head, of course.

I'd just come off looking insane if I really shouted at them. Which I am, but oh well, it's fun.

Sometimes I like the fact that people think I'm weird, in fact most of the time.

I like it when people think they understand me, but they don't.

I like it when you think you've got me figured out, but you haven't. (Where you would get an idea like that, you insane person, I don't know. I haven't even got myself figured out yet, what makes you so special?)

I was thinking today. Ha! One-off, I know

But I was thinking, when you talk to people, you know how you don't always tell them the truth, about what you think? Because you're scared of what they think. And then sometimes you end up telling them anyway in one moment when you think, 'Why should I care what they think?'?

*thinks confusedly*

(Lots of thinks, I know, soz)

WELL...there are only a few people I know who aren't scared to say whatever they think, to anyone. I'd love to be like that.

Well, there's a lot of things I'd love to be.

I think about them alot.

I think about myself alot, in general.

I'm pretty self-centred, or whatever.

It's weird how the little things can be so summed-up by one song.

That's why I love music.

Isn't it the same for you?

Listening to: