Sunday, Dec. 04, 2005 : An introduction to Berlin (not at all)
There is oh-so-much to say. So much spilling out of my head. I am, sad that I am back from Berlin, although little flecks of wool-wire arguments and frizzing tempers, being dipped or plunged into something, somewhere, it's amazing. It makes my head spin. Karaoke and tequila, amaretto shots with teachers and dizzy empty people. Really awful german soap operas, with people drinking contact lenses. Amazing.
And marching around the former east, searching for 'the workers' paradise', being too scared to completely talk German. Just, just- feeling somewhat, oh-smack you in the face happy. Definitely. Can you infer anything at all?
Thankyou, thankyou thankyou - for everything, naturlich.
More Later.
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