My first - real - memory of Jon is on the way back from the trip to Wales. I didn�t really know him, but I was clinging to Libby the whole trip and we wanted to cheer him up, he was so sad. So we hugged and kissed him a LOT, which seemed to work. And maybe a week after we got back, whilst I was talking to another [incredibly less lovely & important] Jon, he came and put his arms round me, which struck me as odd, but sweet. And little things like that, we spoke mainly, and we�d talk about the things that were going on, the things that made him sad, because I suppose he was sad then. And he helped me, I just hope I could help him as much, because I wanted to. I don�t really remember much else but we got close, I guess, really close. We were both of us a little too eager at Libby�s party [l�alcohol] and since, he generally lets me sleep with him at sleepovers, though because of this I am often violently sleep-attacked. But, he does give me sleepy half hugs and listens to my semi-conscious sleep-talking. And I giggle, he giggles, I giggle, he giggles. We�re both of us very silly, and very moody � although he doesn�t like to admit to it :p He tickles me all the time, which is very funny � though I don�t like to admit that. He also insists on picking me up, even though he�s skinny and I�m, frankly, not. We�re both of us whores, we�ve agreed, which is why we make good �practically� best friends. Jon�s so sweet, he�ll hold me, because it cheers me up and he really does have a very good hugging ability. Dvds have randomly appeared on my doorstep with the prettiest messages because of him, and he�ll buy 6ft Legolas� with me and carry them round Lakeside. He has seen the worst of me, and he�s still mostly there. He�s grown up since I�ve known him, maybe, but he�s still so sweet (& gorgeous, he just won�t admit it :P). And I�m glad he feels like he can turn to me when he needs to � after too much rum, or maybe in the middle of crossing roads in Strasbourg. Jon�s helped through a lot, he�s funny, far, far too smart and the sweetest guy. I love him, he makes me smile and he makes me laugh when he tickles me. There's no one else I love to hug more than him.
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