I�ve been in awe of Libby since I met her. It isn�t difficult. We played the violin together (I badly) making up our own scales with superb skill and wandered the corridors putting violins away for half an hour. It�s a long time since, we started trampolining and Libby showed me things I didn�t quite understand then. I do wish I could have known her better then. And I remember (& still have) the little notes that she used to write me in school, even though we never had classes together, and how we used to communicate mainly through d-land and notes on here. I remember when I wanted to sink into the floor that morning before our Lit exam, and Libby sat on the floor and held me the whole time; it was that one thing that meant so much to me, she could never, ever know just how much it meant. And to the assorted sleepovers I�ve been invited to, pretending to be faeries and drinking things [we will have our Bailey�s Night soon, I promise!] to the too much kissing and taking pictures, a bug I think I must have caught from Lib, although I�m never going to be as good as she is, she�s an artist! And she, really, really is. Everything that she does, that she touches, that she writes, is beautiful and she just amazes me. Because she keeps writing, and I always read what I can. Libby is beautiful and she can�t escape it, and when sometimes she smiles at you, you feel amazing. Like when you get letters or notes from her, anything.
And I love her, she knows that, although I don�t think she�ll ever know quite how much. She has the best hugging ability! As well as the best taste, in men & music & films. She has always been there, and she has helped me, more than she knows. And I�m sitting here trying to write how much you mean to me, but I can�t seem to do it justice, so I will stop here. I don�t ever want to lose you, okay? Ever, ever, ever! I love you!
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