It's not that I don't think you're all great, I do. I mean that. I honestly just didn't want to seem presumptuous.
You know that feeling, when you're so suprised it's as if something just kicked you? When you were talking to me & I didn't realise, I got that, just because I thought you thought I was too insane to bother with. And you including me like that, made everything so much lovelier. Don't ask me why, it just did, I hardly know you, it was just good.
Talking to you, just the little while I did, and being with you, that was great because it made me realise how much you mean to me & how much I want you to be happy.
Being so selfless, after I haven't been being good to you for a while, it made me realise how properly great you are. You are you are you are.
Talking to you was good, thankyou, you don't know how much it means for you to talk to me again.
Ignoring you was good, because I proved to myself I still can, because it made me think, if only for a few minutes that I don't need you. I know I do, but it was nice not to for a few seconds.
You looking at me - it made me shiver - really, I don't know why. Your eyes, I don't's like falling into them by accident.
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