All this morning I had to keep falling over for drama, and the consequences are;
1/ We resume our position as drama genius types.
2/ I have a broken arse.
3/ I can fall down sooo well.
I've only got a week left, and I'm already kinda sad that it's gonna be over.
I saw family yesterday. That was good. I had two (I know! scandalous...) Venti-Chocolate-Cream-Frappacinos. Ahem. So I'm a happy girly. Or rather, I was, because that happened yesterday.
It's so strange, I was just thinking that, whilst I've been here, I haven't added any of my insane, random (This year's equivalent of cheeky pokey) entries, full of swear words and and me being (unreasonably) angry with everyone. Huh. I sincerely hope this doesn't mean that summer school could possibly be good for me..No.. No indeed. That would be highly annoying.
I think it's more like... here, you don't really know anyone. But unlike at home, you don't claim to either. You don't seem to make so many assumptions, or presume that people should be nice to you. Whereas at home, I tend to do that. And the one person I do know, and was (was) angry with, I didn't feel like I could be angry at her. I'm not sure why maybe because everyone else thinks she's wonderful, or the fact I think she is and I don't want to spoil that for whatever reason. Or maybe she can just get away with stuff. No, no maybe...she can.
Now I'm just kinda floating along. I miss people. But then I say that alll the time. I'm enjoying it but not too much. Grrrr I'm such a misery guts.
Ooooh. Ooooh. I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean!!. Yay! How incredibly great. Oh twas brillo pads, to be sure. Oh yes. Fabbity fab. It was great. Orlando is still gorgeous, and um yes. He is.
That is highly annoying.
Worse luck. I have to go and fall down some more now. And further break my arse.
*Huggles* and thankies to the people who wrote me lovely fabbity brilliant emails. :D Random, I can't wait to get home.
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