I haven't got anything to say. I can't apologise & explain for who I am. I don't know what's happening or why. I don't care why, particularly. I'm not making excuses either, I shouldn't have to. Half the time I hate you, but I love you all the time, despite what you think. I don't care what it sounds like. I'm finished with people telling me I've changed & that I'm someone else. I know that. The only reason we've all grown apart is because we're changing. It's not just me.
I don't really care if you blame me though. It doesn't matter. I don't understand you; you don't understand me. It's not as if I've found other people that do understand me, I just like being with different people. I have found people that do - but I can't be with them all the time.
Oh this is stupid.
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