ah well. so today is friday (saturday) and i am sad, whats new? today was fucking awful. and my boyfriend is treating me like i don't exist. again, whats new? i dont expect sympathy,oh no. im sorry to brin g this up, but i am drunk and it is ON MY MIND> and also, he makes me sad, he makes me want to crush my fucking skull. SO FUCKING IGNORE ME WHY DON'T YOU? i don't care right now, i jsut, i kust, i just., im so tired, im so sad. i dont want to be thi s anymore. i dont want to be susceptibly any more. i can t do it! i cant, it hurts too much, this ddrunk writing i s mkajinf me laugh HAHAHHAHAHA. Men are cunts. or maybe language that strong should be reserve d for a vvertain person, i love too mcuh. too much, and am treated like crap. im so tired of this, i just want to be alllowed to love you. HAHA GLOVE thats right. ahhaah. OH DEAR GOD> so drunk. still true though. why do you have to make me so sad?
Feeling: HHAHAH drunk. and ssad. and erm. zDRUNK. ahahah
Listening to: hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmming.
Pretending: you still love me. just like i love you. it's all pointless isn't it?