Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003 : dirtylace (it's your fault)
Relief really, that you hate me now.

I'm safe, I have something there to protect me.

Everything is turning very strange - I've lost anything I ever had to do with inspiration or anything at all meaningful (which exams are not)

Spending your days in a cycle of sleeping and throwing up, finally falling asleep in the middle of Tech exam. I dreamt instead that I was in my science exam (again) and started writing bizarre things about carbon monoxide and reversible reactions or some such rubbish. This is rather insane.

I don't know how I'm supposed to tell those people that they mean so much to me.

Just in case they don't know. Which, however irrational, scares me a bit.

Things which are good(among others):

The smell of roses (the chocolate variety)


(mainly because I have been fantasizing about things to eat)

blue & black scarves

Matrix coats & Matrix glasses on Matrix dudes


really big pillows

(with flowers on)

(from Ikea)

(or Germany)

talking to friends

relief that you hate me now

Listening to: