Monday, Dec. 08, 2003 : Black Scribbles For The Perspex Wall
Perhaps to live the dream is not something I would wish on you. Maybe it is where you find out that things you believe in fade away the closer you get, that they are harder to keep a hold of, they're translucent.

A wall of clingfilm, written over in black marker pen. What does it say?

Please, please tell me it's worth it

To me, you are perfect

I only want you to be happy

To me, you are beautiful

Why don't you let me in?

Why can't you let me love you?

A resignation to the fact that you just aren't good enough for them. Think. Maybe they aren't good enough for you. Breathe - this isn't the end. I will love you, no matter what. Maybe this is no comfort, but I hope it will help in someway, someday in the future.

Chalky keys, they sink, luxuriously down and strike a beautiful sound. It is beautiful to me, but other people don't think so.

I must shut these people out, I must keep these things out of my head. I want to surround myself with you - the people I belong to. Because I saw, I saw how they changed, I saw how it affected them - how those people, those others, those who don't care about the things, those things - how they took someone beautiful, took them away. From me, from it. From this life.

This life.

Emerald - Scarlet - Sapphire

Something tangible to hold on to, someone real to hold on to, someone who understands me, one of us. Not, one of them.

I can't be less selfish. I will try. I want to be able to do everything for you, but I can't seem to.

You will get what you deserve, you will share everything with that person, and you will be happy. I promise.

If you saw her, a passing glance, you'd think she was dead. She almost was. She was dying here. He can hear her, gasping for breath & he does what he can, he pulls her out, he keeps her sane.

Listening to: