People make me wonder & when I can feel very little guilt for the things I have done, it makes me wonder where any boundaries lie, and the clich�d sunset-surf crashing of good and bad, sluices together until parts of the bouncing atmosphere, the whole world and society around me sprint away to slice and churn up my insides. Morality is disappearing, but I didn't notice it until I felt my own absence of it and it, it. i.t. makes me wonder whether it died entirely in everyone else the world over. It also makes me wonder when this weekend stops being a movie and plays out into real life. I think it'll become a glitch in time, and real life will hurtle over it, swoop through this breach into un-reality and it becomes immersed in the lining of someone's brain, it's a pocket of air. My stomach lurches everytime i hear a ring, because I need to learn to stand on my own two feet. And learn french.
Feeling: confused.
Listening to: traffic
Pretending: erm.
Sunday, Jun. 18, 2006 : MANIA. STYLISH. NOODLE
"I have dna swirls of ineptitude pingponging around in my blood"