Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004 : A Day's Template
Today I went ______________. I went with _____,_____, _____ and ______. We went to _________, ________ and _________. We saw ______. Today I wore _________ socks. I used public transport __ times. I saw ___ yellow cars. We got savaged by Rude Boys ______ times. We got called grungers ____ times. The attractive one ( ____ ) got beeped by cars __ times. Today ______ was pissed with _____ because _____________________. Today I was mostly pissed off with _____ because they _________________ . Today I was mostly being touchy feely with ________. Today I was mostly feeling __________. I listened to __________. Sinead stole my _____ today. My room was/wasn't tidy today. I tripped over my trousers __ times. Random things that happened today:
For some odd reason, my tounge really burns... But! I did just watch Sylvia. Yay!
Listening to: