Monday, Nov. 01, 2004 : Sucker Love
I gotta run away now, smiles intact. Things are okay, as long as I stay away. I've let myself slip too badly these past months, and everyone's better off if I do something about it. It's just a question of control. Like you said, what does it really matter?
I already lost them & it's beginning to fall into a pattern I don't like. It stops now, 'cause I don't want to lose you. It stops now 'cause I don't want to hurt people anymore. And, it's gotten so bad I do it without thinking now. Except of course, it makes everything so incredibly lonely. It's not like it isn't deserved though, so I can smile, because it's 'poetic justice'.
Fuck it, I have to run.
I know I'm selfish, I'm unkind
Sucker Love I always find
Someone to bruise and leave behind
Listening to: