Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007 : The Saga of the "GREAT WIND"
I shall add my tale to the of the mighty windyness that has attacked our land. I love it when there is some sort of natural crisis, everything falls apart. Very exciting.
I slept through this morning. I expect it was windy then also. However, upon attempting to reach campus this afty, I was prevented in using the usual path because of fallen tree disaster, which blocked the path insurmountably. This meant I took the nice scenic route through Englefield Green, watching old ladies battle against this great windy foe, and have giant parts of trees flying towards them. Tres amusant. Campus had another powercut, as indeed did the whole of Egham, for the whole day. Yay! What larks. Kingswood does not have any generators or any such new-fangled technolody & we sat in the dark for most of the afternoon, pretending we were camping, eating all the food in the fridges etc, because the emergency lighting failed, haha!
We got evacuated from Kingswood after about three hours, all bussed out the union, where they gave out free mouldy sandwiches and made us sit in the hall because disturbing dance practice is FORBIDDEN. Yay, this was fun, so we played pictionary and chinese snap until we had to go buy overpriced food that was a bit odd. Fantastically for me, I got to try pizza with egg on. It were great. And then we got a coach back home, after the power got magically turned on. All in all, this was a great adventure with lots of LARKS and WIZARD JAPES. Sadly, no free pizza and lots of dead/destroyed trees, alas.
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