Queen Pirate Annamoo is my revered teacher in the art of pirating. We also recently got engaged, at trampolining � where we are the only ones left�! Abandoned by Matt too�In A1, we are the bestest, silliest misunderstood geniuses, and obviously the best people there. This is because we write hardcore poems about llamas, badgers and pirates. Also because we haven�t got any friends, but we�re *really* the popular ones. You can recognise us because we say �Alas!� a lot, and pout with hamster cheeks. Which makes us look really attractive. Well, Anna anyway because she is the beautifullest person I know!
Alack, yonder I first hung out with Anna was when we were both slaves to the NHS, witnessing among other things the scary Bus-Hobo, the memory of which haunts us to this day. We�re so special, we even have our own dance & our own wonderful sense of timing! Our other talents include alcoholic pet tortoises and matching shoes, although Anna�s are always cleaner than mine, writing stories about badgers in different languages, which one day will be published to great acclaim. We share a deep and passionate love for pirates, particularly Johnny Depp. Anna ist sehr, sehr, sehr, sehr sch�n! She is one of the strongest people I know and she always makes me smile ^_^ and laugh A LOT. She is everyone�s friend and we always have fun. Anna is one of the wonderfullest people I know, she isn�t afraid to speak her mind, and I admire that so very muchly. Anna, I love youuu! :D
Oh, and remember, our (really very) secret greeting; �Ho!�
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