Sunday, Feb. 06, 2005 : Look around you; I need your lovin', like the sunshine
People are frustrating. I am trying to be good. And see that you're beautiful. I want to, I absolutely have to believe that people are good,, and that people are beautiful. And I want you to see it too.
Just like I'm trying to communicate & failing, but I can't work out whether it's because you don't want to hear me or I haven't got there yet. I want to be good and I want to make you happy, like I want to see you smile. Like I want to show you just how much you mean to me. But people are selfish and shallow, and I want to get away from that. Like I'm chasing that aura that was mentioned once, always sad but alive and hypnotising. Because sad is almost home, and a happy home; but I can't make you understand that, that it is for me. And all those other things because you want to breathe and live and bleed and sleep and dream and write and feel, perhaps. I think I'm writing a load of bollocks. Oh. It's all alive. And I want to drink in every second. Like I want you to see I think you're amazing, and I want to be worthy of you. Because; yes.

Coherent? No. I'll write better soon. I hope.

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