I was walking home with Doane and a certain revelation caused us to erupt in fits of laughter, especially when certain subject of said revelation made an appearance and we then had to be very quiet pretending not to laugh. And failing.
And then laughing at Mr Heighway, and his 'Sperm Appreciation Society', which sounds rather frightening and sort of perverted now, but is merely only around for the protection of disabled sperm. Yes. Well. Whoever said science wasn't interesting? The only thing I can remember is a mental picture of a tadpole swimming blindly around, Mr Heighway's impersonation of said tadpole and then my laughing so much a tear fell off the end of my nose.
I talked to Sophie today, about the only thing we have in common. Considering what I found out earlier ^, and when talking to Sophie, I am surprisingly not bothered, or at least doing a good job of hiding it from myself and everyone else. I just wish he was far away from me, so I don't have to see him everywhere, have to be around him all the time. Partly because I'm afraid of falling back again and partly because it reminds me too much of what we had, and what so evidently meant nothing to him.
Oh well. To Camden, Covent Garden and Brown's tomorrow, with the lovely Doane! It should be brilliant. Who needs fuckwits when you have such wonderful friends>?
"A Smickle of Nauseatingness..."
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