Wednesday, Apr. 07, 2004 : Things that have happened that I have neglected to write down:
Admire my kickass grammar!


1/I had my hair cut this evening

2/I am going to Sweden...soonish..Yay!

3/Lisa's Birthday Party

Yay! Lots of fun & bouncing, wheeee! Lisa has very good bouncy castle parties. We had lots of fun bouncing (a little), laying on top of each other & having orgies (lots) and singing (brilliantly). Also..I am a champion wrestler! Ha-ha! Beware my kick-ass ass-kicking skills...mwahahaha. Ah...what fun.

4/I have lots of bruises from said wrestling. They are so cool! I loves me some bruises.

5/Holly and Annabadgerbella's Parteee

Yay! I love parties! It was very exciting, we got to do lots of dancing and generally acting like fools (well, me) What fun! Strutting our stuff auf der Disko-Teppich (literally, 'on the disco-carpet'). Yay! Lots of woofulness, dancing with lovely people. Smiles, and sweet when looking at everyone dancing in slow mo. Sigh. Lala.

5/Holly has a very pretty singing voice. And is good at dancing like Kate Bush. Aieee!

6/Tech work is EVIL (but finished, yay!). But also EVIL.

7/ H&M are stingy in their shoe sizes

8/ But they have beautiful plimsolls! Woo! Plimsolls! Teehee.

9/ I go insane after lots of sugar (all have eaten today)

10/ I go skinny dipping. In my pond.

11/ I want to give everyone lots of hugs. Although they may not want to after last point. Oh.

12/ I am having a sleepover next week..everyone is invited!

13/ th of January is Orlando Blooms birthday.

14/ Damn! I just realised I've been doing the numbers all wrong. I really am stupid.

Smile everyone.

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