Wednesday, Feb. 04, 2004 : Well Sc-er-ewww You!
Stuff that happened today:

1/ Skirt day, not at all cold. Windy, so could pretend was movie star with really blowsy hair, glistening in sunlight....*sigh*

2/ 20" ladder appeared when got within 3ft of school buildings. Possible reaction to chemicals in canteen food.

3/ Los Dos Amigos Bonkeros (Helen, Bean and I) spent all of English phoning my new best friend Lucas. And arguing, as per usual. All alone, isolated from everyone else in the entire class. So we can get on being mad all on our onesies.

4/ Well....Sc-er-ewww You!

5/ Cadbury Creme Egg day.

6/ I pretended I could understand my new book "The Causcasian Chalk Circle"

7/ I discovered remedy to all problems:

Banana Milkshake.

8/ Piehole

9/ Postcard from Alan

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