Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 : Little Poppies; Little Hell Flames
The Little Poppies, the Little Hell Flames,

do you do no wrong?

I wish..that I could leave it all, I wish I had the courage and self-belief to do anything, and maybe I wish I was strong.


I didn't mean to let you all down. I wish I knew how to make it all up to you.

:I'm going to do something tacky and look back over this year:

At the beginning of this year I had:

/better relationships with (fewer) friends

/not experienced such major self doubt, or, come to that, self-indulgence

/not heard of Sylvia Plath

/not decided that I would die before I was thrity(eight)

/not yet stopped playing the violin

/not realised how un-photogenic I actually am

/become so extreme in how I feel, or let it affect the way I treat people

/n't really grown up

/thought I was going to be happy for a long time

/or that someone loved me

(which I think is quite funny now)

Well, I hope one thing that has improved is my ability to laugh at myself. I must have some hope, after all.

Things are very different now, so, good thing?

La la. Lets keep guessing.

((don't get soppy, because;

nothing is that important))

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