Tuesday, Apr. 20, 2004 : Paper Thin Hearts
I didn't realise we were as close as I found out we are. But I like things this way. (Loser)

I like being part of this huge smudge, or wandering group of penguins. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, if you say you feel like you have to compete for attention, I want you to know that I'll always be there (even if only for hugs - I'm not much good for anything else) and I love you much more than you realise. It scares me a bit that you feel like that. I have to fight for my right to compete yet. But I get the feeling this won't matter very much. I hate myself for thinking that.

I wandered around today just being happy because it was sunny and I got to be around everyone. Which makes me smiley and stupid. Very stupid.

No change there then.

I like being able to float around like this. I said it before, but I really am now. Dreadful feeling I'm about to fall into something though. Good? Who knows.

I got reminded today that I'm nobody's little weasel, but - I do, more than you realise.

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