Wednesday, Feb. 08, 2006 : Lua
"I know that it is freezing, but I think we have to walk." I miss everything. Grip onto your fingers.
'with your eyes all painted black'
I want to be someone else, I think. Peel off my skin & start again.
'and if you promise to stay conscious, i will try & do the same'
stand-out scars when its cold. odd, fractious group of people, it's not so difficult to pretend & it's fun. to piece together such odd parts, and plastic stolen stars, I threw at the end of my bed when you didn't pick up the phone. I wish I was the person you could love. Not let you down, like I do.
I don't like the wind when it skims the chimney. It all means too much & the wind bites you.
Feeling: odd
Listening to: Lua - Bright Eyes
Pretending: it'll be good, it'll be fine. that i can get out of it.