Monday, May. 30, 2005 : La la washes her hair
It's dark & it's quiet and I miss you so much. Everythings just too sad to think about. Although being away from you and from people does me good, which is pretty sad, because people are scary. And you're people again; just because now I believe I was never anything more to you, but it doesn't matter so very much. And plans plans plans. So many plans! Predictable and boring, but it is, oh it is let's scrap my personality and start over. I don't really have one, but it's okay! Just because it's easier to pretend when you don't have to be the same person. "How am I not myself?" My brain is empty and we think too much, we buy too much, we over saturate life and complain when it is sour. But simplistic and pure can be saturated too. It's too confusing. Life is always about stupid petty things, and too selfish. I'm stupid and I want to cry just because I miss you so much, and because I know you aren't worth it. It's strangling and suffocating. Long langorous writer's block.
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