Tuesday, May. 25, 2004 : Inevitability
Arguments for my committal:1/ Has some kind of strange obsession with sandwiches - e.g.// has dream about being haunted by a (very posh) sandwich // in public places says things like; 'C-h-i-c-k-e-n S-a-n-d-w-i-c-h' very loudly.
2/ Stalks people on their dates to the cinema because believes it will be fun.
3/ Believes that her personality is controlled by her subconcious - who is evil and tells her to do bad things - and that she cannot in actuality make decisions of her own.
4/ When spoken to rambles incoherently, and is only understood by close friends.
5/ Cannot speak German
6/ She needs to talk to you, but she doesn't really know how to say what she wants to say.
7/ Refers to herself in the third person.
Thus, it is inevitable.
Listening to: