We drank a bit, we danced a bit and we talked a lot. Mainly took pictures though, to remember something I can't quite remember. Although I remember having a pretty good time..
Nat, the birthday girl and ye olde anciente one, at 17.
A bunch of losers I know dressed as Pinatas.
And more of the Pinata people;
Random Folk who wandered in off the street;
Here, she is serenading me. Ha.
Oh, suntanned one.
Holly being quite spooky...Eek.
Then we slept, ate ice cream and watched Finding Nemo (de riguer) whilst the boys behaved like complete tarts, going home to do their hair &c. Haha.
Silly boys. We went to Lakeside, filmed, wandered and shopped and annoyed everyone by being moody [me].
Because it was nice [mistake; there were mozzies everywhere] we walked home, got bitten to death and hung about on a wall for a while.
See? Losers on a wall.
Birthday grrl.
Mike et Steve.
Picture that wasn't so dark as the other one. Scary scary.
" I mean it's probably just like England, isn't it?"
Yes. Vigorously thrown.
[I just have this thing about saxophone players..]
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. Why didn't we get jumped by chavs?
We're magical! Wheee!
Listening to: