(Lilly ma chere, did you want to know where it came from? I can't remember, Claire's I think; which is annoying...)
Today has just been brilliant. Brilliantly brilliant. With knobs on. If that's possible.
School was such a bore; it always is, isn't it? I realised I have annoying amounts of work to do - all of which I really can't be bothered with. But then, oh well.
This is just a silly, random entry - not at all beautiful; I don't think I'm capable of writing beautiful things, not like some of you (Lilly)- but I don't mind in the least. Everythings just going too well. Too well.
"Oh it's all too divine, darling"
"It's well proprtioned, firm, rounded, slim waist, nice hips
and absolutely lovely."
I went trampolining last night. That was great fun. And then I met Doane, and we had a good talk which was great. It's great because I think we're much better friends now, closer.....you know? All that. It's all good.
*smiles insanely*
Everything's just so good you know?
This made my day pretty damn great >
i am still madly in love wiv u however
Because, no matter how superficially or even, platonically meant - everyone likes to hear that!
And to finish on a silly note, I will repeat something that made me laugh so much I fell of my chair (literally)
Have you heard the new craze sweeping through Yorkshire nightclubs?
People are injecting ecsatsy into their gums. It's called 'Ee by Gum'
Listening to: