So; Friday? Friday. School day did not go so well, but never mind. We got all doled up and did a dress rehearsal - the first time without scripts. And I suppose the less said about it the better. I was panic stricken by the end, but we had things to look forward to.
People shambled to my house and we messed around on the computer for a while until I frog-marched everyone to the shop in the rain to buy chocolate. Which they were not best pleased about..Hee..We bought lots of rubbish (and squirty cream...!) and came back and ate lots. And lots. So then Jon came round later and we watched Finding Nemo ("Yes, I'm a natural blue..") and watching Scott asleep, although sounding very dull, is actually incredibly amusing. Especially when, even though he'd had a fully conscious and coherent discussion with him before, failed to recognise Jon. We carried on like that until Nat and Scott started getting a bit traumatised at the prospect of our imminent exam and decided we should all go to sleep. Well, I say 'sleep'. The boys kept deciding they wanted Tuna and bread and drinks in the middle of the night so I had to keep getting up. Also, my appendages kept going numb so I kept moving and pushing Jon off the sofa. In the morning it was okay. I wasn't that tired and decided to test my culinary skills (I cooked everyone bacon..go me!) and made milkshakes. Woo! Then we messed around until we realised we actually had to go do the exam thing, and rushed about collecting our stuff. We then all piled in the car and got so distracted by "Build me up, Buttercup" that we let Mum reverse into a lampost. But no damage, so we ran off into the theatre. We did our tech rehearsal, but they all took so long that we didn't have time for an actual dress rehearsal. By this time we were all walking round on the verge of heart attacks, or something similar. Well, me punching myself in the stomach. All of our plans to sit on the stage while the audience were coming in (in hindsight, it would have been impossible and terrifying!) got changed by the Examiner. Scary guy. Before the exam was awful, just because we had to wait so long..and argh. I couldn't have got through it without Holly and Jon, who were both wonderful. Well, and obviously Nat and Scott. Although they did get just the tiniest bit angry (lots angry) when I went to the shops with the others. Ooopsies..Then it got awful when everyone started coming in, well, it was good, but terrifying. Then all my incredibly loud family also came in, which made me smile, but no less nervous. I've heard that they went up and started talking loudly and pointing at everyone, so I'm really very sorry...!
We were first, having to start everything off with our really weird-ass play, which I love to pieces. It actually went pretty well, nothing went spectacularly wrong. Scott and Nat were amazing, and I got to shout a little, got a few laughs, which is good. And the scream went well, albeit slightly late. So. I won't go into detail, mainly because it went so fast that it is practically a blur. But it really felt good, being on the stage. Being up there, even being watched, just doing it. It was even fun.
We went down to the changing rooms, it sounds silly to say, but I was shaking so much. Looking forward to all the chocolate in the changing rooms but it had all been eaten...! We watched the other groups on the tiny tellies, and of course, they were brilliant. And, de riguer, everyone came out from the last one crying their eyes out. I don't think it was a very good idea. I think they weren't very sensitive to use that as a subject. It's almost as if they sat down and said 'What can we do now, to make everyone cry?'. We all stood around afterwards, hugging people to try and cheer them up and Anna & Luke & Jen all came to say hello and we went down to the changing rooms. Then everyone just sort of left, but for people who came back to mine. We traipsed up the hill and then back down again to meet the others in 'McDo!', but for they weren't there. So we got chips and spoke french very loudly. Then we went into Grays town centre, stil shouting french and talking about all manner of random things. Jen and Luke went off and did some shopping of their own *cough*, whilst Nat, Holly and I looked at some magazines *cough*, while Jon ran away. We went to the Pound Store and found some truly amazing things. We also almost got chucked out, this was because Holly and I kept flinging things all over the place and al of us exclaiming in wonder at the stuff in the shop; "Wow! It's a proper (�1)Bondage Whip!", "Gracious! It's a holographic Jesus address book!" and other things like that. So we ran away to Woolworths and spent a long time looking also at their merchandise. Especially the new McDonald's toy range, which is just the coolest! After we traipsed back up the hill to my house again and watched Amelie. It was so great to go out together, especially because everyone got on so well and I had thought they wouldn't. Well, the whole thing with Luke, and Jen as well. But it was so nice to go out, all get on and have fun doing nothing. Then everyone went home, & Jen and I carried on with being tired.
Wasn't that fun? An especially exciting extract of my life for you all to get bored with. Hehe.
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