I got four bras today.
A Pink one, a Pink & Brown one, another Pink one & a white one. Don't you just love getting underwear? Or is that just me?
How exciting!
Anyway, more important things.
Today someone was really upset, if you read this, you know who you are - but I don't think you do. I'm sorry I wasn't better help, but I meant what I said. Anything. At all. Love you, & you deserve better.
Not having spoken to 'him', hardly at all. It's amazing. I haven't felt like I didn't need him for so long. Everything he does just seems to make me angrier and more annoyed with him. Obviously, it's not good, but He isn't as important at the moment. I'm not going to say 'anymore', I know most of all how changeable I am when it comes to him. I just feel relief, that's all.
My parents leave for Amsterdam tomorrow. Yayness!
I have failed to do any work. Oh well.
Doane & I were supposed to go out this evening, but he made up with Loki & kind of abandoned me. Huh. Oh, I'm glad Doane's happy again, but still...I haven't spoken to him properly (i.e. not online - he's always so vague online) for ages.
He asked me if I was bi last night. I said I'd think about it.
Thinking about Wales, which I didn't talk about properly. Too much happened, if you know what I mean. It's hard to know where to start. I'll write it all one day. It gave you a good insight into people. I love people more, much more than I did, or rather - it's been reinforced. & I hate, no d-i-s-l-i-k-e people much more, much more intensely. Hmm. Difficult to guess who, huh? And why? Oh, I don't know. Because I found out how lovely people can be, how amazing & then I found out how others could be, and also, I'm jealous & bitter. You know, the usual.
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