2003-06-23 : 5th Avenue
I also need Elizabeth tomorrow, to make some brilliant, witty comment up, to say about it.

Today, I spoke even more to her. She's amazing, I'd like to tell her, but I'd be too scared. Hey, I just did, she reads this. *That was for you* I don't speak to you often, not enough. Just to let you know, I'm so glad you're there.

I wish I hadn't put this entry over the top of the other one , but I needed to say that ^_^ above and that your cd - it rox! teehee. I'm going to get some mint hot chocolate.

If anyone can be arsed, read the previous entry. It's long (far too long), but it's better than this one.

I want to learn to speak Polish. And Gaelic. And Latin. And Russian. And Dutch. And er.... yes. Lots.

Also, I'm going to be a spy. So watch out. hehe.

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